A detailed three-dimensional, continuous-energy MCNP4B model of the LWR-PROTEUS critical facility has been developed for the analysis of whole-reactor characteristics using ENDF/B-V, ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2.2 cross-section sets. The model has been applied to the determination of the critical loading, as well as the evaluation of reactivity worths for safety/shutdown rods, control rods, and individual driver-region fuel rods. The initially obtained results for the first configuration investigated (Core 1B) indicated that, for the same geometrical and materials specifications, the ENDF/B-V data library yields the closest critical prediction (discrepancy of 64040 pcm), followed by ENDF/B-VI (98040 pcm) and JEF-2.2 (134040 pcm). The differences in results between the three data libraries were studied by considering the contributions of individual materials to the neutron balance. 235U and 238Pu cross-sections from JEF-2.2, for example, explain an effect of ~400 pcm. Refinement of the materials specifications in the MCNP4B whole-reactor model, in particular the impurities assumed for the graphite driver of the driver and reflector regions, has been shown to reduce the final discrepancy of the ENDF/B-V based keff result to ~0.2%. The MCNP4B results for relative reactivity effects, such as control rod worths, are found to agree within experimental errors with the measured values
Andreas Pautz, Vincent Pierre Lamirand, Thomas Jean-François Ligonnet, Axel Guy Marie Laureau