The exquisite sensitivity of the human visual system to form-from-motion (FfM) cues is well documented. However, identifying the neural correlates of this sensitivity has proven difficult, particularly determining the respective contributions of different motion areas in extrastriate visual cortex. Here we measured visual FfM perception and more elementary visual motion (VM) perception in a group of 32 patients suffering from acute posterior brain damage, and performed MRI-based lesion analysis. Our results suggest that severe FfM perception deficits without an associated deficit of VM perception are due to damage to ventral occipito-temporal cortex (VOT), whereas associated deficits of FfM and VM perception are due to damage either in proximity to area MT+/V5 or an area including lateral occipital complex (LOC) and VOT. These data suggest the existence of at least three functionally and anatomically distinct regions in human visual cortex that process FfM signals.
Olaf Blanke, Bruno Herbelin, Sophie Jacqueline Andrée Betka