We demonstrate imaging through a turbid layer by using digital phase conjugation of the second harmonic field radiated from a beacon nanoparticle. We show that the phase-conjugated focus can be displaced from its initial position by illuminating the same region of the turbid layer with an angular offset. An image is obtained by scanning the phase-conjugated focus through the turbid layer in a region around the nanoparticle. We obtain a clear image of the target by measuring the light transmitted through it when scanning the focused beam. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Marinella Mazzanti, Sandrine Gerber, Anne-Sophie Chauvin, Katarzyna Pierzchala, Ileana Ozana Jelescu, Jérémy Vuilleumier, Raphaël Jovita De Matos, Laura Camille Louise Nicolle, Adrian Stefan Gheata, Dario Diviani, Luigi Bonacina, Fiorella Lucarini
Edoardo Charbon, Andrada Alexandra Muntean