Turbulence and transport reduction with innovative plasma shapes in TCV -- correlation ECE measurement and gyrokinetic simulations Due to turbulence, core energy transport in tokamaks generally exceeds collisional transport by at least an order of magnitude. It is therefore crucial to understand the instabilities driving the turbulent state and to find ways to control them. Shaping the plasma is one of these fundamental tools. In low collisionality plasmas, such as in a reactor, changing triangularity from positive (delta=+0.4) to negative triangularity (delta=-0.4) is shown on TCV to reduce the energy transport by a factor two. This opens the possibility of having H-mode-like confinement time within an L-mode edge, or reduced ELMs. An optimum triangularity can be sought between steep edge barriers (delta>0), plagued by large ELMs, and improved core confinement (delta
Mario Ludovico Podesta, Francesca Maria Poli
Olivier Sauter, Basil Duval, Stefano Coda, Benoît Labit, Alessandro Pau, Laurie Porte, Alexander Karpushov, Antoine Pierre Emmanuel Alexis Merle, Justin Richard Ball, Dmytry Mykytchuk, Filippo Bagnato
Olivier Sauter, Stefano Coda, Justin Richard Ball, Alberto Mariani, Matteo Vallar, Filippo Bagnato