We present a method for the specific labelling of fusion proteins with synthetic fluorophores in Zebrafish. The method uses the SNAP-tag technology and O-6-benzylguanine derivatives of various synthetic fluorophores. We demonstrate how the method can be used to label subcellular structures in Zebrafish such as the nucleus, cell membranes, and endosomal membranes. The stability of the synthetic fluorophores makes them attractive choices for long-term imaging and allows, unlike most of the autofluorescent proteins, the use of acid fixatives such as trichloroacetic acid. Furthermore, the use of O-6-benzylguanine derivatives bearing caged fluorescein allows cell lineage tracing through photo-deprotection of the fluorophore and its detection either through fluorescence microscopy or through immunohistochemistry after fixation using anti-fluorescein antibodies. Developmental Dynamics 240:820-827, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Michael Stefan Daniel Liebling, Christian Jaques