The howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) clan is a group of meteorites that probably originate from the asteroid Vesta. Some of them are complex breccias that contain impact glasses whose compositions mirror that of their source regions. Some K-rich impact glasses (up to 2 wt% K2O) suggest that in addition to basalts and ultramafic cumulates, K-rich rocks are exposed on Vesta's surface. One K-rich glass (up to 6 wt% K2O), with a felsic composition, provides the first evidence of highly differentiated K-rich rocks on a large asteroid. They can be compared to the rare lunar granites and suggest that magmas generated in a large asteroid are more diverse than previously thought.
Reto Georg Trappitsch, Xuan Li
Anders Meibom, Stéphane Laurent Escrig, Anders McCarthy, Pierre Vonlanthen