The scientific community and the medical industries are putting a considerable effort into the design of compact, reliable and cheap accelerators for hadrontherapy. Up to now only circular accelerators are used to deliver beams with energies suitable for the treatment of deep seated tumors. The TERA Foundation has proposed and designed a hadrontherapy facility based on the cyclinac concept: a high gradient linear accelerator placed downstream of a cyclotron used as an injector. The overall length of the linac, and therefore its final cost, is almost inversely proportional to the average accelerating gradient achieved in the linac.
Ambrogio Fasoli, Ivo Furno, Patrick Blanchard, Yanis Andrebe, Riccardo Agnello, Christine Stollberg, Sun Hee Kim, Alban Sublet, Shuai Liu
Davide Di Croce, Tatiana Pieloni, Ekaterina Krymova, Massimo Giovannozzi