Geometrically a crystal containing dislocations and disclinations can be envisaged as a "fixed frame" Cartan-Einstein space-time carrying torsion and curvature, respectively. We demonstrate that electrons in defected graphene are transported in the same way as fundamental Dirac fermions in a nontrivial 2+ 1-dimensional space-time, with the proviso that the graphene electrons remember the lattice constant through the valley quantum numbers. The extra "valley holonomy" corresponds to modified Euclidean symmetry generators.
Emad Oveisi, Kumar Varoon Agrawal, Kuang-Jung Hsu, Cédric Karel J Van Goethem, Kangning Zhao, Luis Francisco Villalobos Vazquez de la Parra, Mostapha Dakhchoune, Shiqi Huang, Shaoxian Li, Mina Moradi