In electronics, stripline is a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) transmission line medium invented by Robert M. Barrett of the Air Force Cambridge Research Centre in the 1950s. Stripline is the earliest form of planar transmission line. A stripline circuit uses a flat strip of metal which is sandwiched between two parallel ground planes. The insulating material of the substrate forms a dielectric. The width of the strip, the thickness of the substrate and the relative permittivity of the substrate determine the characteristic impedance of the strip which is a transmission line.
vignette|Aperçu de quelques dispositifs semi-conducteurs encapsulés Un composant semi-conducteur est un composant électronique dont le fonctionnement repose sur les propriétés électroniques d'un matériau semi-conducteur (principalement le silicium, le germanium et l'arséniure de gallium, ainsi que des semi-conducteurs organiques). Sa conductivité se situe entre les conducteurs et les isolants. Les composants semi-conducteurs ont remplacé les tubes à vide dans la plupart des applications.
In electrical control engineering, a stepping switch or stepping relay, also known as a uniselector, is an electromechanical device that switches an input signal path to one of several possible output paths, directed by a train of electrical pulses. The major use of stepping switches was in early automatic telephone exchanges to route telephone calls. Later, they were often used in industrial control systems. During World War II, Japanese cypher machines, known in the United States as CORAL, JADE, and PURPLE contained them.
thumb|Ressort à lames utilisé pour la suspension automobile. vignette|Ressort à lames d'un wagon-torpille dans le parc paysager de Duisbourg Nord, Allemagne. Un ressort à lame est un type de ressort utilisant la flexibilité d'une ou plusieurs lames métalliques superposées. Leurs propriétés élastiques permettent d'absorber l'énergie mécanique, produire un mouvement, exerçant un effort ou un couple sur le système lié.
In electronics, an electronic switch is a switch controlled by an active electronic component or device. Without using moving parts, they are called solid state switches, which distinguishes them from mechanical switches. Electronic switches are considered binary devices because they dramatically change the conductivity of a path in electrical circuit between two extremes when switching between their two states of on and off.