MotoneuroneLes motoneurones constituent la voie de sortie du système nerveux central ou la voie finale de tout acte moteur. Les corps cellulaires des motoneurones sont situés soit dans le tronc cérébral, soit dans la corne ventrale de la substance grise de la moelle épinière. Chaque motoneurone possède un axone qui part du système nerveux central pour innerver les fibres musculaires d'un muscle. L'ensemble constitué par un motoneurone et les fibres musculaires qu'il innerve constitue une unité motrice.
Rate equationIn chemistry, the rate law or rate equation for a chemical reaction is a mathematical equation that links the rate of forward reaction with the concentrations or pressures of the reactants and constant parameters (normally rate coefficients and partial reaction orders). For many reactions, the initial rate is given by a power law such as where [\mathrm{A}] and [\mathrm{B}] express the concentration of the species \mathrm{A} and \mathrm{B}, usually in moles per liter (molarity, M).
Neural networkA neural network can refer to a neural circuit of biological neurons (sometimes also called a biological neural network), a network of artificial neurons or nodes in the case of an artificial neural network. Artificial neural networks are used for solving artificial intelligence (AI) problems; they model connections of biological neurons as weights between nodes. A positive weight reflects an excitatory connection, while negative values mean inhibitory connections. All inputs are modified by a weight and summed.
Arithmétique multiprécisionL'arithmétique multiprécision désigne l'ensemble des techniques mises en œuvre pour manipuler dans un programme informatique des nombres (entiers, rationnels, ou flottants principalement) de taille arbitraire. Il s'agit d'une branche de l'arithmétique des ordinateurs. On oppose l'arithmétique multi-précision à l'arithmétique en simple ou double précision, comme celle spécifiée par le standard IEEE 754 pour les nombres flottants.
Réseau de neurones artificielsUn réseau de neurones artificiels, ou réseau neuronal artificiel, est un système dont la conception est à l'origine schématiquement inspirée du fonctionnement des neurones biologiques, et qui par la suite s'est rapproché des méthodes statistiques. Les réseaux de neurones sont généralement optimisés par des méthodes d'apprentissage de type probabiliste, en particulier bayésien.
Medium spiny neuronMedium spiny neurons (MSNs), also known as spiny projection neurons (SPNs), are a special type of GABAergic inhibitory cell representing 95% of neurons within the human striatum, a basal ganglia structure. Medium spiny neurons have two primary phenotypes (characteristic types): D1-type MSNs of the direct pathway and D2-type MSNs of the indirect pathway. Most striatal MSNs contain only D1-type or D2-type dopamine receptors, but a subpopulation of MSNs exhibit both phenotypes.
Plasticité fonction du temps d'occurrence des impulsionsLa (en Spike-timing-dependent plasticity, STDP) est un processus de modification du poids des synapses. Cette modification dépend du moment de déclenchement du potentiel d'action dans les neurones pré- et post-synaptique. Ce processus permettrait d'expliquer partiellement le développement cérébral et la mémorisation, en provoquant potentialisation à long terme (en Long-term potentiation, LTP) et dépression à long terme (en Long-term depression, LTD) des synapses.
Boltzmann machineA Boltzmann machine (also called Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model with external field or stochastic Ising–Lenz–Little model) is a stochastic spin-glass model with an external field, i.e., a Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model, that is a stochastic Ising model. It is a statistical physics technique applied in the context of cognitive science. It is also classified as a Markov random field. Boltzmann machines are theoretically intriguing because of the locality and Hebbian nature of their training algorithm (being trained by Hebb's rule), and because of their parallelism and the resemblance of their dynamics to simple physical processes.
Activity-dependent plasticityActivity-dependent plasticity is a form of functional and structural neuroplasticity that arises from the use of cognitive functions and personal experience; hence, it is the biological basis for learning and the formation of new memories. Activity-dependent plasticity is a form of neuroplasticity that arises from intrinsic or endogenous activity, as opposed to forms of neuroplasticity that arise from extrinsic or exogenous factors, such as electrical brain stimulation- or drug-induced neuroplasticity.
Extended precisionExtended precision refers to floating-point number formats that provide greater precision than the basic floating-point formats. Extended precision formats support a basic format by minimizing roundoff and overflow errors in intermediate values of expressions on the base format. In contrast to extended precision, arbitrary-precision arithmetic refers to implementations of much larger numeric types (with a storage count that usually is not a power of two) using special software (or, rarely, hardware).