We report the design and optical characterization of fully suspended wire waveguides and photonic crystal (PhC) membranes fabricated on a gallium nitride layer grown on silicon substrate operating at 1.5 mu m. W1-type PhC waveguides are coupled with suspended wires and are investigated using a standard end-fire setup. The experimental and theoretical dispersion properties of the propagating modes in the wires and photonic-crystal waveguides are shown. Modified L3 cavities with quality factors of up to 2200 and heterostructure cavities with quality factors of up to 5400 are experimentally demonstrated. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Kirsten Emilie Moselund, Chang Won Lee
Tobias Kippenberg, Rui Ning Wang, Anat Siddharth, Mikhail Churaev, Viacheslav Snigirev, Junqiu Liu, Miles Henry Anderson