Capacitors are manufactured in many styles, forms, dimensions, and from a large variety of materials. They all contain at least two electrical conductors, called plates, separated by an insulating layer (dielectric). Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Capacitors, together with resistors and inductors, belong to the group of passive components in electronic equipment.
Les paramètres S (de l'anglais Scattering parameters), coefficients de diffraction ou de répartition sont utilisés en hyperfréquences, en électricité ou en électronique pour décrire le comportement électrique de réseaux électriques linéaires en fonction des signaux d'entrée. Ces paramètres font partie d'une famille de formalismes similaires, utilisés en électronique, en physique ou en optique : les paramètres Y, les paramètres Z, les paramètres H, les paramètres T ou les paramètres ABCD.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are polarized electrolytic capacitors whose anode electrode (+) is made of a pure aluminum foil with an etched surface. The aluminum forms a very thin insulating layer of aluminum oxide by anodization that acts as the dielectric of the capacitor. A non-solid electrolyte covers the rough surface of the oxide layer, serving in principle as the second electrode (cathode) (-) of the capacitor. A second aluminum foil called “cathode foil” contacts the electrolyte and serves as the electrical connection to the negative terminal of the capacitor.
An electrolytic capacitor is a polarized capacitor whose anode or positive plate is made of a metal that forms an insulating oxide layer through anodization. This oxide layer acts as the dielectric of the capacitor. A solid, liquid, or gel electrolyte covers the surface of this oxide layer, serving as the cathode or negative plate of the capacitor. Because of their very thin dielectric oxide layer and enlarged anode surface, electrolytic capacitors have a much higher capacitance-voltage (CV) product per unit volume than ceramic capacitors or film capacitors, and so can have large capacitance values.
A tantalum electrolytic capacitor is an electrolytic capacitor, a passive component of electronic circuits. It consists of a pellet of porous tantalum metal as an anode, covered by an insulating oxide layer that forms the dielectric, surrounded by liquid or solid electrolyte as a cathode. Because of its very thin and relatively high permittivity dielectric layer, the tantalum capacitor distinguishes itself from other conventional and electrolytic capacitors in having high capacitance per volume (high volumetric efficiency) and lower weight.
Film capacitors, plastic film capacitors, film dielectric capacitors, or polymer film capacitors, generically called film caps as well as power film capacitors, are electrical capacitors with an insulating plastic film as the dielectric, sometimes combined with paper as carrier of the electrodes. The dielectric films, depending on the desired dielectric strength, are drawn in a special process to an extremely thin thickness, and are then provided with electrodes.
Un condensateur est un composant électronique élémentaire, constitué de deux armatures conductrices (appelées « électrodes ») en influence totale et séparées par un isolant polarisable (ou « diélectrique »). Sa propriété principale est de pouvoir stocker des charges électriques opposées sur ses armatures. La valeur absolue de ces charges est proportionnelle à la valeur absolue de la tension qui lui est appliquée.
Vibration isolation is the process of isolating an object, such as a piece of equipment, from the source of vibrations. Vibration is undesirable in many domains, primarily engineered systems and habitable spaces, and methods have been developed to prevent the transfer of vibration to such systems. Vibrations propagate via mechanical waves and certain mechanical linkages conduct vibrations more efficiently than others. Passive vibration isolation makes use of materials and mechanical linkages that absorb and damp these mechanical waves.
Impedance parameters or Z-parameters (the elements of an impedance matrix or Z-matrix) are properties used in electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and communication systems engineering to describe the electrical behavior of linear electrical networks. They are also used to describe the small-signal (linearized) response of non-linear networks. They are members of a family of similar parameters used in electronic engineering, other examples being: S-parameters, Y-parameters, H-parameters, T-parameters or ABCD-parameters.
Une résistance négative est une propriété de certains circuits électriques ou matériaux pour lesquels, sur une certaine plage, le courant qui les traverse diminue quand la tension augmente . On donne aussi le nom de résistance négative à des montages convertisseurs d'impédance négative (NIC) construits à l'aide d'amplificateurs fonctionnant avec une rétroaction positive et qui se comportent comme des « résistances actives ». Le montage se comporte comme une résistance linéaire active c'est-à-dire un générateur dont la f.