Experimental cancer treatmentExperimental cancer treatments are mainstream medical therapies intended to treat cancer by improving on, supplementing or replacing conventional methods (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy). However, researchers are still trying to determine whether these treatments are safe and effective treatments. Experimental cancer treatments are normally available only to people who participate in formal research programs, which are called clinical trials.
Enjeux du réchauffement climatiqueCet article examine les enjeux du réchauffement climatique. En 1824, le physicien français Joseph Fourier découvre le phénomène de l'effet de serre et son effet sur le bilan thermique de la Terre. En 1896, Svante Arrhenius publie un article décrivant le phénomène, et proposant une prédiction de l'élévation de la température atmosphérique en cas de doublement de la concentration en . Dans les années 1980, cette question refait surface à l'échelle mondiale, avec la création du GIEC en 1988.
Anfinsen's dogmaAnfinsen's dogma, also known as the thermodynamic hypothesis, is a postulate in molecular biology. It states that, at least for a small globular protein in its standard physiological environment, the native structure is determined only by the protein's amino acid sequence. The dogma was championed by the Nobel Prize Laureate Christian B. Anfinsen from his research on the folding of ribonuclease A. The postulate amounts to saying that, at the environmental conditions (temperature, solvent concentration and composition, etc.