In the basic plasma physics device TORPEX, progress in the fundamental understanding of supra-thermal ion transport is achieved by extensive sets of three-dimensional (3D) data, together with numerical simulations of supra-thermal ion tracers in fluid turbulent fields. A miniaturized lithium 6+ ion source injects fast ions with energies up to 1 KeV and a double-gridded energy analyzer is used as a detector. The source is mounted on a toroidally movable system and the detector can be moved in the poloidal cross-section, allowing one to reconstruct 3D fast ion current profiles. Synchronous detection is used to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. A modulated biasing voltage is applied to the fast ion source and an analog lock-in amplifier is used to demodulate the detector signal. The analog lock-in amplifier is specially designed to remove the capacitive noise associated with the voltage modulation. Radial transport of the fast ions, associated with plasma turbulence, is characterized. A synthetic diagnostic allows comparing the experimental results with numerical simulations of the fast ion transport in a global fluid simulation of the TORPEX plasma. A good agreement is shown.
Laurent Villard, Stephan Brunner, Alberto Bottino, Ben McMillan, Moahan Murugappan
Paolo Ricci, Joaquim Loizu Cisquella, Maurizio Giacomin, António João Caeiro Heitor Coelho
Paolo Ricci, Joaquim Loizu Cisquella