Drug discoveryIn the fields of medicine, biotechnology and pharmacology, drug discovery is the process by which new candidate medications are discovered. Historically, drugs were discovered by identifying the active ingredient from traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery, as with penicillin. More recently, chemical libraries of synthetic small molecules, natural products or extracts were screened in intact cells or whole organisms to identify substances that had a desirable therapeutic effect in a process known as classical pharmacology.
Conception de médicamentLa conception de médicament, plus précisément conception de substance pharmacologiquement active plus connue sous sa dénomination anglaise Drug design est l'ensemble des processus nécessaires à l'élaboration d'un médicament. Dans l'industrie pharmaceutique, ces processus peuvent-être subdivisés et répartis en quatre phases ou étapes : La phase de recherche La phase de développement La phase clinique La phase de mise sur le marché Remarque : Les phases de recherche et développement sont communément dénommées R&D.
Criblage à haut débitthumb|Machine de criblage à haut débit en Allemagne Le criblage à haut débit (high-throughput screening, HTS) désigne dans le domaine de la pharmacologie, de la biochimie, de la génomique et de la protéomique, les techniques visant à étudier et à identifier dans les chimiothèques et ciblothèques, des molécules aux propriétés nouvelles, biologiquement actives. L’expression haut débit évoque ici l’utilisation de la robotique, de l’informatique et de la bio-informatique pour accélérer la phase de test des molécules, protéines, catalyseurs, etc.
High-content screeningHigh-content screening (HCS), also known as high-content analysis (HCA) or cellomics, is a method that is used in biological research and drug discovery to identify substances such as small molecules, peptides, or RNAi that alter the phenotype of a cell in a desired manner. Hence high content screening is a type of phenotypic screen conducted in cells involving the analysis of whole cells or components of cells with simultaneous readout of several parameters.
Drug developmentDrug development is the process of bringing a new pharmaceutical drug to the market once a lead compound has been identified through the process of drug discovery. It includes preclinical research on microorganisms and animals, filing for regulatory status, such as via the United States Food and Drug Administration for an investigational new drug to initiate clinical trials on humans, and may include the step of obtaining regulatory approval with a new drug application to market the drug.
Phenotypic screeningPhenotypic screening is a type of screening used in biological research and drug discovery to identify substances such as small molecules, peptides, or RNAi that alter the phenotype of a cell or an organism in a desired manner. Phenotypic screening must be followed up with identification (sometimes referred to as target deconvolution) and validation, often through the use of chemoproteomics, to identify the mechanisms through which a phenotypic hit works. Phenotypic screening historically has been the basis for the discovery of new drugs.
Virtual screeningVirtual screening (VS) is a computational technique used in drug discovery to search libraries of small molecules in order to identify those structures which are most likely to bind to a drug target, typically a protein receptor or enzyme. Virtual screening has been defined as "automatically evaluating very large libraries of compounds" using computer programs. As this definition suggests, VS has largely been a numbers game focusing on how the enormous chemical space of over 1060 conceivable compounds can be filtered to a manageable number that can be synthesized, purchased, and tested.
Organoïdevignette|Organoïde intestinal cultivé à partir de cellules souches Lgr5+. Un organoïde est une version miniature et simplifiée d'un organe, fabriquée in vitro en trois dimensions et qui présente une micro-anatomie réaliste. Il est issu d'une ou de quelques cellules d'un tissu, de cellules souches embryonnaires ou de cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPSC), qui peuvent s'auto-organiser en une structure tridimensionnelle grâce à leurs capacités d'auto-renouvellement et de différenciation.
Fragment-based lead discoveryFragment-based lead discovery (FBLD) also known as fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) is a method used for finding lead compounds as part of the drug discovery process. Fragments are small organic molecules which are small in size and low in molecular weight. It is based on identifying small chemical fragments, which may bind only weakly to the biological target, and then growing them or combining them to produce a lead with a higher affinity. FBLD can be compared with high-throughput screening (HTS).
Test de dépistage de droguevignette|Test de dépistage de la drogue Le test de dépistage de drogue existe en trois principaux types : le test de dépistage urinaire, le test de dépistage salivaire et le test capillaire Le test de dépistage urinaire peut prendre la forme d'une bandelette toute simple à immerger dans un échantillon d'urine, d'un boîtier contenant une bandelette réactive à immerger dans un échantillon d'urine ou d'une cassette sur laquelle sont déposées quelques gouttes d'urine grâce à une pipette.