Hot extrusion of Zircaloy-4 tubes usually starts from β-quenched microstructures and induces strong textures. Individual crystallographic orientations were investigated by transmission electron microscopy using the electron backscatter pattern (EBSP) technique as well as Kikuchi patterns. Basal poles were found close to the tangential direction of the tubes in regions exhibiting fine and homogeneously distributed precipitates (FHDPs). In contrast, regions with large and isolated precipitates (LIPs) had more variable orientations. Laboratory plane strain compression tests were performed and the induced textures were compared with numerical simulations using a polycrystalline viscoplastic self-consistent model. The β-quenched material was modeled as a mixture of LIP and FHDP regions, each having a different set of slip system hardnesses, with a volume fraction depending on the previous thermal history. The model was subsequently applied to predict the texture evolution during extrusion with metadynamic recrystallization taking place thereafter. The calculation suggests that recrystallization modifies the orientation of those grains where 〈c+a〉 crystallographic slip has been significantly activated during deformation.
Roland Logé, Cyril Cayron, Aryan Rezaei Rad
Roland Logé, Cyril Cayron, Mathijs Pieter van der Meer, Junfeng Xiao
Duncan Thomas Lindsay Alexander, Bernat Mundet, Jean-Marc Triscone