Honours degreeUn Honours Degree (traduit par baccalauréat spécialisé au Canada, abrégé Hons ou BA (Hons), Honors aux États-Unis) est un titre académique de recherche, attribué dans la majorité des pays anglo-saxons, principalement aux États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Canada, et en Afrique du Sud. Ce titre est aussi attribué dans les pays non anglo-saxons comme les Pays-Bas ou Hong Kong qui ont adopté une tradition académique d'excellence sur le modèle anglo-saxon dans une stratégie d'internationalisation.
Double degreeA double degree program, sometimes called a dual degree, combined degree, conjoint degree, joint degree or double graduation program, involves a student working for two university degrees —either at the same institution or at different institutions, sometimes in different countries. The two degrees might be in the same subject area, or in two different subjects. Undergraduate Brunei – Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University Provide a double degree for Bachelor of Laws (LL.
Percolation thresholdThe percolation threshold is a mathematical concept in percolation theory that describes the formation of long-range connectivity in random systems. Below the threshold a giant connected component does not exist; while above it, there exists a giant component of the order of system size. In engineering and coffee making, percolation represents the flow of fluids through porous media, but in the mathematics and physics worlds it generally refers to simplified lattice models of random systems or networks (graphs), and the nature of the connectivity in them.
Bachelor's degreeA bachelor's degree (from Middle Latin baccalaureus) or baccalaureate (from Modern Latin baccalaureatus) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to six years (depending on institution and academic discipline). The two most common bachelor's degrees are the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Science (BS or BSc).
Master's degreeA master's degree (from Latin magister) is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. A master's degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor's level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course.
Unbiased estimation of standard deviationIn statistics and in particular statistical theory, unbiased estimation of a standard deviation is the calculation from a statistical sample of an estimated value of the standard deviation (a measure of statistical dispersion) of a population of values, in such a way that the expected value of the calculation equals the true value. Except in some important situations, outlined later, the task has little relevance to applications of statistics since its need is avoided by standard procedures, such as the use of significance tests and confidence intervals, or by using Bayesian analysis.
Professional degreeA professional degree, formerly known in the US as a first professional degree, is a degree that prepares someone to work in a particular profession, practice, or industry sector often meeting the academic requirements for licensure or accreditation. Professional degrees may be either graduate or undergraduate entry, depending on the profession concerned and the country, and may be classified as bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.
Regroupement hiérarchiqueDans le domaine de l'analyse et de la classification automatique de données, le regroupement hiérarchique est un partitionnement de données ou clustering, au moyen de diverses méthodes, dites « ascendantes » et « descendantes ». Les méthodes dites « descendantes » partent d’une solution générale vers une autre plus spécifique. Les méthodes de cette catégorie démarrent avec une seule classe contenant la totalité puis se divisent à chaque étape selon un critère jusqu’à l’obtention d’un ensemble de classes différentes.
Partitionnement de donnéesvignette|upright=1.2|Exemple de clustering hiérarchique. Le partitionnement de données (ou data clustering en anglais) est une méthode en analyse des données. Elle vise à diviser un ensemble de données en différents « paquets » homogènes, en ce sens que les données de chaque sous-ensemble partagent des caractéristiques communes, qui correspondent le plus souvent à des critères de proximité (similarité informatique) que l'on définit en introduisant des mesures et classes de distance entre objets.
Engineer's degreeAn engineer's degree is an advanced academic degree in engineering which is conferred in Europe, some countries of Latin America, North Africa and a few institutions in the United States. The degree may require a thesis but always requires a non-abstract project. Through the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), Engineers Canada accredits Canadian undergraduate engineering programs that meet the standards of the profession.