Despite the widespread use of amorphous aluminosilicates (ASA) in various industrial catalysts, the nature of the interface between silica and alumina and the atomic structure of the catalytically active sites are still subject to debate. Here, by the use of dynamic nuclear polarization surface enhanced NMR spectroscopy (DNP SENS) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we show that on silica and alumina surfaces, molecular aluminum and silicon precursors are, respectively, preferentially grafted on sites that enable the formation of Al(IV) and Si(IV) interfacial sites. We also link the genesis of Bronsted acidity to the surface coverage of aluminum and silicon on silica and alumina, respectively.
Davide Ferri, Pierdomenico Biasi, Filippo Buttignol
Davide Ferri, Pierdomenico Biasi, Filippo Buttignol