The ITER Toroidal Field (TF) coil winding packs are designed to be wound in double-pancakes. The twin-box joint provides the electrical pancake-to-pancake connection between the two Nb3Sn 68 kA conductors and electrical coil-to-bus bar connection between the IF coil terminations and NbTi 68 kA bus bars conductors. The twin-box full size joint sample connecting two Nb3Sn conductors (pancake-to-pancake joint) was prepared in order to qualify the TF joint assembly in SULTAN Test Facility. The original goal of the test program was the measurement of joint resistance at different operating conditions. The accidental dump of the SULTAN background field caused a noticeable increase of resistance due to the induced electromagnetic transient load. The TF joint test was continued in order to investigate a change of joint resistance following electromagnetic transient loading which was triggered by intentional dump of the background field. Also, a dependence of the joint resistance on current was observed; in order to explore the origin of resistance change, additional experiments were performed with a modified (artificially degraded) TF twin-box joint. The test results of a TF twin-box joint after electromagnetic transient loading and performance of the joint after a modification are presented in this paper. The performance of Nb3Sn 68 kA conductor observed during those tests is highlighted as well. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Marcos Rubinstein, Mohammad Azadifar, Amirhossein Mostajabi, Hamidreza Karami
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