In this work, the novel fabrication and characterization of elastomeric piezoelectric nanocomposites are explored. Fabrication methods explored herein utilize ball milled barium titanate powder dispersions, along with double walled carbon nanotubes which are dispersed in toluene though the use of an ultrasonic probe. Test devices are then constructed with electrodes made from evaporated gold on polyimide foils and protective dielectrics of pristine PDMS. Two different device construction methods are explored utilizing both direct contact bonding and plasma bonding of the active composite layers to the dielectric/electrode. Test samples are evaluated through the use of a dedicated Berlincourt type piezoelectric d33 meter. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Herbert Shea, Samuel Rosset, Giulio Grasso
Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Nicholas Paul Morgan, Heera Menon
Herbert Shea, Fabio Beco Albuquerque