
Induction of de novo α-synuclein fibrillization in a neuronal model for Parkinson's disease


Lewy bodies (LBs) are intraneuronal inclusions consisting primarily of fibrillized human α-synuclein (hα-Syn) protein, which represent the major pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). Although doubling hα-Syn expression provokes LB pathology in humans, hα-Syn overexpression does not trigger the formation of fibrillar LB-like inclusions in mice. We hypothesized that interactions between exogenous hα-Syn and endogenous mouse synuclein homologs could be attenuating hα-Syn fibrillization in mice, and therefore, we systematically assessed hα-Syn aggregation propensity in neurons derived from α-Syn-KO, β-Syn-KO, γ-Syn-KO, and triple-KO mice lacking expression of all three synuclein homologs. Herein, we show that hα-Syn forms hyperphosphorylated (at S129) and ubiquitin-positive LB-like inclusions in primary neurons of α-Syn-KO, β-Syn-KO, and triple-KO mice, as well as in transgenic α-Syn-KO mouse brains in vivo. Importantly, correlative light and electron microscopy, immunogold labeling, and thioflavin-S binding established their fibrillar ultrastructure, and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching/photoconversion experiments showed that these inclusions grow in size and incorporate soluble proteins. We further investigated whether the presence of homologous α-Syn species would interfere with the seeding and spreading of α-Syn pathology. Our results are in line with increasing evidence demonstrating that the spreading of α-Syn pathology is most prominent when the injected preformed fibrils and host-expressed α-Syn monomers are from the same species. These findings provide insights that will help advance the development of neuronal and in vivo models for understanding mechanisms underlying hα-Syn intraneuronal fibrillization and its contribution to PD pathogenesis, and for screening pharmacologic and genetic modulators of α-Syn fibrillization in neurons.

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Concepts associés (33)
Inclusion bodies
Inclusion bodies are aggregates of specific types of protein found in neurons, a number of tissue cells including red blood cells, bacteria, viruses, and plants. Inclusion bodies of aggregations of multiple proteins are also found in muscle cells affected by inclusion body myositis and hereditary inclusion body myopathy. Inclusion bodies in neurons may be accumulated in the cytoplasm or nucleus, and are associated with many neurodegenerative diseases.
Corps de Lewy
Les corps de Lewy sont des agrégats anormaux de protéines qui se forment à l'intérieur des cellules nerveuses au cours de la maladie de Parkinson (MP), de la maladie à corps de Lewy et de certaines autres maladies neurodégénératives. Ils sont identifiés au microscope sur des coupes histologiques du cerveau. Les corps de Lewy apparaissent sous la forme de masses sphériques qui refoulent les organites intracellulaires. On en distingue deux types morphologiques : les corps de Lewy de type classique (situés dans le tronc cérébral) et les corps de Lewy corticaux.
Atrophie multisystématisée
Les atrophies multisystématisées (AMS) sont un ensemble de maladies neurodégénératives sporadiques, affectant plusieurs fonctions cérébrales. La prévalence des AMS est comprise entre 3 et 5/ dans la population générale. L'âge moyen de découverte est vers la cinquantaine. La forme avec syndrome cérébelleux semble prédominante au Japon alors que c'est celle, avec syndrome parkinsonien, qui l'emporte en Europe et en Amérique du Nord.
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