We report zero-coverage reaction probabilities (S-0) for HCl dissociative adsorption on Au(111) obtained by the seeded molecular beam hot-nozzle method. For measurements at normal incidence with mean translational energies ranging from 0.94 to 2.56 eV (nozzle temperatures 296 to 1060 K), S-0 increased from 6 x 10(-6) to 2 x 10(-2). S-0 also increased with increasing nozzle temperature for fixed incidence energy associated with the motion normal to the surface. Accounting for the influence of the vibrational state population and translational energy distributions in the incident beam, we are able to compare the experimental results to recent theoretical predictions. These calculations, performed employing 6-D quantum dynamics on an electronically adiabatic potential energy surface obtained using density functional theory at the level of the generalized gradient approximation and the static surface approximation, severely overestimate the reaction probabilities when compared with our experimental results. We discuss some possible reasons for this large disagreement.
Andreas Osterwalder, Sean Dennis Steven Gordon, Junwen Zou, Silvia Tanteri