Nucleate boilingIn fluid thermodynamics, nucleate boiling is a type of boiling that takes place when the surface temperature is hotter than the saturated fluid temperature by a certain amount but where the heat flux is below the critical heat flux. For water, as shown in the graph below, nucleate boiling occurs when the surface temperature is higher than the saturation temperature (TS) by between . The critical heat flux is the peak on the curve between nucleate boiling and transition boiling.
Critical heat fluxIn the study of heat transfer, critical heat flux (CHF) is the heat flux at which boiling ceases to be an effective form of transferring heat from a solid surface to a liquid. Boiling systems are those in which liquid coolant absorbs energy from a heated solid surface and undergoes a change in phase. In flow boiling systems, the saturated fluid progresses through a series of flow regimes as vapor quality is increased. In systems that utilize boiling, the heat transfer rate is significantly higher than if the fluid were a single phase (i.
Thermal management (electronics)All electronic devices and circuitry generate excess heat and thus require thermal management to improve reliability and prevent premature failure. The amount of heat output is equal to the power input, if there are no other energy interactions. There are several techniques for cooling including various styles of heat sinks, thermoelectric coolers, forced air systems and fans, heat pipes, and others. In cases of extreme low environmental temperatures, it may actually be necessary to heat the electronic components to achieve satisfactory operation.
CaloducCaloduc, du latin calor « chaleur » et de ductus « conduite », désigne des éléments conducteurs de chaleur. Appelé heat pipe en anglais (signifiant littéralement « tuyau de chaleur »), un caloduc est destiné à transporter la chaleur grâce au principe du transfert thermique par transition de phase d'un fluide (chaleur latente). Un caloduc se présente sous la forme d’une enceinte hermétique renfermant un fluide à l'état d'équilibre liquide-vapeur, généralement en absence de tout autre gaz.
Dissipateur thermiqueUn dissipateur thermique est un dispositif destiné à évacuer la chaleur résultante de l'effet Joule dans un élément semi-conducteur d'électronique de puissance. Il s'agit de dispositifs généralement munis d'ailettes, qui doivent de préférence être montées verticalement pour faciliter le refroidissement par convection.
Working fluidFor fluid power, a working fluid is a gas or liquid that primarily transfers force, motion, or mechanical energy. In hydraulics, water or hydraulic fluid transfers force between hydraulic components such as hydraulic pumps, hydraulic cylinders, and hydraulic motors that are assembled into hydraulic machinery, hydraulic drive systems, etc. In pneumatics, the working fluid is air or another gas which transfers force between pneumatic components such as compressors, vacuum pumps, pneumatic cylinders, and pneumatic motors.
Pression de vapeurLa pression de vapeur est la pression partielle de la vapeur d'un corps présent également sous forme liquide ou solide. Lorsque le système est à l'équilibre (les proportions relatives de gaz et liquide ou solide ne varient pas), la pression de vapeur est dite « saturante ». Lorsque le système est hors équilibre : si la pression de vapeur est inférieure à la pression de vapeur saturante, une portion de liquide ou de solide passe sous forme gazeuse (évaporation, vaporisation ou sublimation) ; si la pression de vapeur est supérieure à la pression de vapeur saturante, une portion de la vapeur passe sous forme liquide ou solide (liquéfaction, condensation).
Point d'ébullitionLe point d'ébullition d'un liquide est, pour une pression donnée, la température à partir de laquelle il passe de l'état liquide à l'état gazeux s'il reçoit de la chaleur ; il entre alors en ébullition. Le point de condensation est le processus inverse, se produisant à la même température, auquel la vapeur se condense en fournissant de la chaleur. Le point d'ébullition « standard » d'un liquide est celui mesuré à une pression d'une atmosphère.
Working fluid selectionHeat engines, refrigeration cycles and heat pumps usually involve a fluid to and from which heat is transferred while undergoing a thermodynamic cycle. This fluid is called the working fluid. Refrigeration and heat pump technologies often refer to working fluids as refrigerants. Most thermodynamic cycles make use of the latent heat (advantages of phase change) of the working fluid. In case of other cycles the working fluid remains in gaseous phase while undergoing all the processes of the cycle.
Copper in heat exchangersHeat exchangers are devices that transfer heat to achieve desired heating or cooling. An important design aspect of heat exchanger technology is the selection of appropriate materials to conduct and transfer heat fast and efficiently. Copper has many desirable properties for thermally efficient and durable heat exchangers. First and foremost, copper is an excellent conductor of heat. This means that copper's high thermal conductivity allows heat to pass through it quickly.