Single-mode optical fiberIn fiber-optic communication, a single-mode optical fiber (SMF), also known as fundamental- or mono-mode, is an optical fiber designed to carry only a single mode of light - the transverse mode. Modes are the possible solutions of the Helmholtz equation for waves, which is obtained by combining Maxwell's equations and the boundary conditions. These modes define the way the wave travels through space, i.e. how the wave is distributed in space. Waves can have the same mode but have different frequencies.
Multi-mode optical fiberMulti-mode optical fiber is a type of optical fiber mostly used for communication over short distances, such as within a building or on a campus. Multi-mode links can be used for data rates up to 100 Gbit/s. Multi-mode fiber has a fairly large core diameter that enables multiple light modes to be propagated and limits the maximum length of a transmission link because of modal dispersion. The standard G.651.1 defines the most widely used forms of multi-mode optical fiber.
Fibre optiqueUne fibre optique est un fil dont l’âme, très fine et faite de verre ou de plastique, a la propriété de conduire la lumière et sert pour la fibroscopie, l'éclairage ou la transmission de données numériques. Elle offre un débit d'information nettement supérieur à celui des câbles coaxiaux et peut servir de support à un réseau « large bande » par lequel transitent aussi bien la télévision, le téléphone, la visioconférence ou les données informatiques.
Fiber-optic communicationFiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of infrared or visible light through an optical fiber. The light is a form of carrier wave that is modulated to carry information. Fiber is preferred over electrical cabling when high bandwidth, long distance, or immunity to electromagnetic interference is required. This type of communication can transmit voice, video, and telemetry through local area networks or across long distances.
Puits quantiqueUn puits quantique est une zone de l'espace dans laquelle le potentiel ressenti par une particule quantique atteint un minimum. Il s'agit d'un puits de potentiel dont les petites dimensions entraînent une différence entre les prédictions de la mécanique classique et celles de la mécanique quantique. L'équation de Schrödinger prévoit en effet que l'énergie de la particule évoluant dans un tel puits est quantifiée. L'étude de puits quantiques de forme variée (puits carré, puits harmonique, couplage entre deux puits voisins.
Polarization-maintaining optical fiberIn fiber optics, polarization-maintaining optical fiber (PMF or PM fiber) is a single-mode optical fiber in which linearly polarized light, if properly launched into the fiber, maintains a linear polarization during propagation, exiting the fiber in a specific linear polarization state; there is little or no cross-coupling of optical power between the two polarization modes. Such fiber is used in special applications where preserving polarization is essential.
Fiber-optic cableA fiber-optic cable, also known as an optical-fiber cable, is an assembly similar to an electrical cable but containing one or more optical fibers that are used to carry light. The optical fiber elements are typically individually coated with plastic layers and contained in a protective tube suitable for the environment where the cable is used. Different types of cable are used for optical communication in different applications, for example long-distance telecommunication or providing a high-speed data connection between different parts of a building.
Boîte quantiqueUne boîte quantique ou point quantique, aussi connu sous son appellation anglophone de quantum dot, est une nanostructure de semi-conducteurs. De par sa taille et ses caractéristiques, elle se comporte comme un puits de potentiel qui confine les électrons (et les trous) dans les trois dimensions de l'espace, dans une région d'une taille de l'ordre de la longueur d'onde des électrons (longueur d'onde de De Broglie), soit quelques dizaines de nanomètres dans un semi-conducteur.
Tension de cycleEn chimie organique, la tension de cycle ou contrainte cyclique désigne la déstabilisation d'une molécule cyclique, telle un cycloalcane, causée par l'orientation spatiale des atomes qui la composent. Cette tension provient d'une combinaison (1) de contrainte d'angle, (2) de contrainte de torsion (ou tension de Pitzer) et (3) de la tension trans-annulaire (ou contrainte de van der Waals).
Signal transmissionIn telecommunications, transmission is the process of sending or propagating an analog or digital signal via a medium that is wired, wireless, or fiber-optic. Transmission system technologies typically refer to physical layer protocol duties such as modulation, demodulation, line coding, equalization, error control, bit synchronization and multiplexing, but it may also involve higher-layer protocol duties, for example, digitizing an analog signal, and data compression.