Plasma stabilityThe stability of a plasma is an important consideration in the study of plasma physics. When a system containing a plasma is at equilibrium, it is possible for certain parts of the plasma to be disturbed by small perturbative forces acting on it. The stability of the system determines if the perturbations will grow, oscillate, or be damped out. In many cases, a plasma can be treated as a fluid and its stability analyzed with magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).
Tokamakthumb|Vue intérieure du tore du Tokamak à configuration variable (TCV), dont les parois sont recouvertes de tuiles de graphite. Un tokamak est un dispositif de confinement magnétique expérimental explorant la physique des plasmas et les possibilités de produire de l'énergie par fusion nucléaire. Il existe deux types de tokamaks aux caractéristiques sensiblement différentes, les tokamaks traditionnels toriques (objet de cet article) et les tokamaks sphériques.
Pinch (plasma physics)A pinch (or: Bennett pinch (after Willard Harrison Bennett), electromagnetic pinch, magnetic pinch, pinch effect, or plasma pinch.) is the compression of an electrically conducting filament by magnetic forces, or a device that does such. The conductor is usually a plasma, but could also be a solid or liquid metal. Pinches were the first type of device used for experiments in controlled nuclear fusion power. Pinches occur naturally in electrical discharges such as lightning bolts, planetary auroras, current sheets, and solar flares.
Edge-localized modeAn edge-localized mode (ELM) is a plasma instability occurring in the edge region of a tokamak plasma due to periodic relaxations of the edge transport barrier in high-confinement mode. Each ELM burst is associated with expulsion of particles and energy from the confined plasma into the scrape-off layer. This phenomenon was first observed in the ASDEX tokamak in 1981. Diamagnetic effects in the model equations expand the size of the parameter space in which solutions of repeated sawteeth can be recovered compared to a resistive MHD model.
Field-reversed configurationA field-reversed configuration (FRC) is a type of plasma device studied as a means of producing nuclear fusion. It confines a plasma on closed magnetic field lines without a central penetration. In an FRC, the plasma has the form of a self-stable torus, similar to a smoke ring. FRCs are closely related to another self-stable magnetic confinement fusion device, the spheromak. Both are considered part of the compact toroid class of fusion devices.
Chauffage électriqueUn chauffage électrique est un appareil destiné à la production de chaleur par l'électricité (électrothermie). Il peut équiper tout type de logement et être utilisé aussi bien en tant que chauffage principal qu'en complément d'un chauffage préexistant. Le chauffage électrique, aisé à réguler, comportait traditionnellement un thermostat pour chaque appareil. Les systèmes électroniques « fil pilote » permettent depuis de centraliser le pilotage, tout en préservant la possibilité de choisir une température différente pour chaque radiateur contrôlé.
Chauffage de l'eauLe chauffage de l'eau est un processus de transfert de chaleur qui utilise une source d'énergie pour chauffer l'eau au-dessus de sa température initiale. Les usages domestiques typiques de l'eau chaude comprennent la cuisine, le nettoyage, la baignade (eau chaude sanitaire, ECS) et le chauffage des locaux (fluide caloporteur). Dans l'industrie, l'eau chaude et l'eau chauffée en vapeur ont de nombreux usages (voir aussi l'article « eau d'alimentation de chaudière »).
Chauffage, ventilation et climatisationthumb|Un système de refroidissement. Le chauffage, ventilation et climatisation (en abrégé CVC), équivalent en France de l'anglais (en abrégé HVAC, diffusé mondialement) est un ensemble de domaines techniques regroupant les corps d'état traitant du confort aéraulique. Ce qualificatif s'applique à tous types de bâtiments (habitat, tertiaire, industriel) et de véhicules. Il regroupe les spécialités et spécialistes du chauffage, de la ventilation et de la climatisation.
Head-end powerIn rail transport, head-end power (HEP), also known as electric train supply (ETS), is the electrical power distribution system on a passenger train. The power source, usually a locomotive (or a generator car) at the front or 'head' of a train, provides the electricity used for heating, lighting, electrical and other 'hotel' needs. The maritime equivalent is hotel electric power. A successful attempt by the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway in October 1881 to light the passenger cars on the London to Brighton route heralded the beginning of using electricity to light trains in the world.
Interchange instabilityThe interchange instability, also known as the Kruskal–Schwarzchild instability or flute instability, is a type of plasma instability seen in magnetic fusion energy that is driven by the gradients in the magnetic pressure in areas where the confining magnetic field is curved. The name of the instability refers to the action of the plasma changing position with the magnetic field lines (i.e. an interchange of the lines of force in space) without significant disturbance to the geometry of the external field.