The stereodynamics of the Ne(3P2)+Ar Penning and Associative ionization reactions have been studied using a crossed molecular beam apparatus. The experiment uses a curved magnetic hexapole to polarise the Ne(3P2) which is then oriented with a shaped magnetic field in the region where it intersects with a beam of Ar(1S). The ratios of Penning to associative ionization were recorded over a range of collision energies from 320 cm-1 to 500 cm-1 and the data was used to obtain state dependent reactivities for the two reaction channels. These reactivities were found to compare favourably to those predicted in the theoretical work of Brumer et al.
Christoph Bostedt, Camila Bacellar Cases Da Silveira, Daniela Rupp
Satoshi Takahama, Imad El Haddad, Nikunj Dudani, Amir Yazdani
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