Re-descriptions: Aldo Rossi’s Architectural Composition. Chair of Architecture and the Public Building, Friday 1 December 2017, Room U 10:45 – 12:30. On the event of the publication in the new issue of OverHolland of the English translation of Ezio Bonfanti’s seminal essay ‘Elementi e costruzione: Note sull’architettura di Aldo Rossi’ (1970), the Chair of Public Building organises a lecture event to examine Rossi‘s compositional procedures, their relationship with his architectural theory and, more in general, their significance for architectural design research. In addition to the introduction of Bonfanti’s reading of Rossi’s work by Henk Engel and Stefano Milani, invited speaker Dario Rodighero (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) will present the research ‘The Analogous City. The Map’ which examines ‘piece by piece’ Aldo Rossi‘s collage executed in 1976 in cooperation with Eraldo Consolascio, Bruno Reichlin and Fabio Reinhart. Programme: 10:45 – 11:00 Henk Engel (TUD), Introduction to OverHolland nos. 18-19; 11:00 – 11:30 Stefano Milani (TUD), Re-descriptions: On Ezio Bonfanti’s essay ‘Elements and constructions. Notes on Aldo Rossi’s architecture’; 11:30 – 12:15 Dario Rodighero (EPFL), Mapping the Analogous City; 12:15 – 12:45 Discussion.
Sebastian Maerkl, Ragunathan Bava Ganesh