Trouble d'apprentissageLe trouble des apprentissages, ou trouble d'apprentissage est un dysfonctionnement dans le processus d'acquisition des connaissances. Il peut être d'origine psychologique, cognitif, voire psychomoteur. Il est spécifique à la fonction cognitive touchée : il y a donc des troubles d'apprentissage reliés au langage, à l'attention, mais aussi à des compétences spécifiques comme la lecture, l'orthographe, l'arithmétique La classification actuelle le place parmi les troubles neurodéveloppementaux.
Lésion cérébraleUne lésion cérébrale est une lésion qui touche le cerveau. En général, il s'agit d'une destruction plus ou moins étendue du tissu nerveux entraînant un déficit dans la perception, la cognition, la sensibilité ou la motricité en fonction du rôle que jouait la région atteinte dans l'architecture neurocognitive. Cette lésion peut être de nature diverse : ischémique, hémorragique, compressive par un processus extensif de type tumoral ou un hématome.
Traumatisme crânienLa notion de traumatisme crânien, ou traumatisme cranio-cérébral (TCC), couvre les traumatismes du neurocrâne (partie haute du crâne contenant le cerveau) et du cerveau. Les manifestations cliniques dépendent de l'importance de l'impact et des facteurs associés (âge, pathologies préexistantes autres, traumatismes associés). Par la situation anatomique de la tête, le traumatisme crânien est souvent associé à des traumatismes du rachis cervical (entorses, luxations, fractures), du visage (contusions, plaies, fractures maxillo-faciales) et oculaires.
Statistical language acquisitionStatistical language acquisition, a branch of developmental psycholinguistics, studies the process by which humans develop the ability to perceive, produce, comprehend, and communicate with natural language in all of its aspects (phonological, syntactic, lexical, morphological, semantic) through the use of general learning mechanisms operating on statistical patterns in the linguistic input. Statistical learning acquisition claims that infants' language-learning is based on pattern perception rather than an innate biological grammar.
Acquired brain injuryAcquired brain injury (ABI) is brain damage caused by events after birth, rather than as part of a genetic or congenital disorder such as fetal alcohol syndrome, perinatal illness or perinatal hypoxia. ABI can result in cognitive, physical, emotional, or behavioural impairments that lead to permanent or temporary changes in functioning. These impairments result from either traumatic brain injury (e.g. physical trauma due to accidents, assaults, neurosurgery, head injury etc.
Acquisition du langageL'acquisition du langage est un domaine de recherche pluridisciplinaire, relevant notamment de la recherche en psychologie et en sciences du langage, qui vise à décrire et comprendre comment l'enfant acquiert le langage, oral ou gestuel, du milieu qui l'entoure. L'acquisition du langage d'un jeune enfant est rapide et s'effectue sans apprentissage formel. Le langage se développe toute la vie, mais c'est surtout entre la naissance et l'âge de cinq ans, que les apprentissages essentiels sont observés.
Primary and secondary brain injuryPrimary and secondary brain injury are ways to classify the injury processes that occur in brain injury. In traumatic brain injury (TBI), primary brain injury occurs during the initial insult, and results from displacement of the physical structures of the brain. Secondary brain injury occurs gradually and may involve an array of cellular processes. Secondary injury, which is not caused by mechanical damage, can result from the primary injury or be independent of it.
Penetrating head injuryA penetrating head injury, or open head injury, is a head injury in which the dura mater, the outer layer of the meninges, is breached. Penetrating injury can be caused by high-velocity projectiles or objects of lower velocity such as knives, or bone fragments from a skull fracture that are driven into the brain. Head injuries caused by penetrating trauma are serious medical emergencies and may cause permanent disability or death. A penetrating head injury involves "a wound in which an object breaches the cranium but does not exit it.
Statistical learning in language acquisitionStatistical learning is the ability for humans and other animals to extract statistical regularities from the world around them to learn about the environment. Although statistical learning is now thought to be a generalized learning mechanism, the phenomenon was first identified in human infant language acquisition. The earliest evidence for these statistical learning abilities comes from a study by Jenny Saffran, Richard Aslin, and Elissa Newport, in which 8-month-old infants were presented with nonsense streams of monotone speech.
Head injuryA head injury is any injury that results in trauma to the skull or brain. The terms traumatic brain injury and head injury are often used interchangeably in the medical literature. Because head injuries cover such a broad scope of injuries, there are many causes—including accidents, falls, physical assault, or traffic accidents—that can cause head injuries. The number of new cases is 1.7 million in the United States each year, with about 3% of these incidents leading to death.