Silicon on sapphireSilicon on sapphire (SOS) is a hetero-epitaxial process for metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing that consists of a thin layer (typically thinner than 0.6 μm) of silicon grown on a sapphire (Al2O3) wafer. SOS is part of the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) family of CMOS (complementary MOS) technologies. Typically, high-purity artificially grown sapphire crystals are used. The silicon is usually deposited by the decomposition of silane gas (SiH4) on heated sapphire substrates.
Fluid balanceFluid balance is an aspect of the homeostasis of organisms in which the amount of water in the organism needs to be controlled, via osmoregulation and behavior, such that the concentrations of electrolytes (salts in solution) in the various body fluids are kept within healthy ranges. The core principle of fluid balance is that the amount of water lost from the body must equal the amount of water taken in; for example, in humans, the output (via respiration, perspiration, urination, defecation, and expectoration) must equal the input (via eating and drinking, or by parenteral intake).
Infiniment petitLes infinitésimaux (ou infiniment petits) ont été utilisés pour exprimer l'idée d'objets si petits qu'il n'y a pas moyen de les voir ou de les mesurer. Le mot vient de infinitesimus (latin du ), ce qui signifiait à l'origine l'élément dans une série. Selon la notation de Leibniz, si x est une quantité, dx et Δx peuvent représenter une quantité infinitésimale de x. Dans le langage courant, un objet infiniment petit est un objet qui est plus petit que toute mesure possible, donc non pas d'une taille zéro, mais si petit qu'il ne peut être distingué de zéro par aucun moyen disponible.
HyperthermieL'hyperthermie, dit aussi coup de chaleur ou insolation est l'augmentation dangereuse de la température d'un corps au-dessus de la valeur saine : chez l'humain. Cette augmentation est due à l'accumulation de chaleur issue de l'environnement, et elle peut être locale ou générale.
The AnalystThe Analyst (subtitled A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician: Wherein It Is Examined Whether the Object, Principles, and Inferences of the Modern Analysis Are More Distinctly Conceived, or More Evidently Deduced, Than Religious Mysteries and Points of Faith) is a book by George Berkeley. It was first published in 1734, first by J. Tonson (London), then by S. Fuller (Dublin). The "infidel mathematician" is believed to have been Edmond Halley, though others have speculated Sir Isaac Newton was intended.