The superweak tetrakis(nonafluoro-tert-butoxy)aluminate coordinating anion was employed to introduce pseudo-gas-phase conditions to the 2-[5-(1,3-dihydro-1,3,3-trimethyl-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-1,3-pentadien-1-yl]-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium chromophore. The resulting formation of a photoactive organic-inorganic hybrid salt has led to a highly stabilized excited state of the organic chromophore mainly due to the minimized lattice energy and Coulomb interactions. These highly beneficial features caused by the well dispersed negative charge of the anion have led to an enhanced neat spin-casted film fluorescence intensity, prolonged fluorescence lifetime, smooth thin film surfaces and a record power photovoltaic efficiency of 3.8 % when compared to organic salts of this particular chromophore containing anions with localised negative charge. Clear evidence is given that a superweak coordinating anion is an emerging key parameter in cyanine dye photochemistry. This approach can be seen as a general guideline to prepare highly efficient ionic dyes for organic semiconductor applications.
Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Filippo de Angelis, Konstantina Kalliopi Armadorou