Transition metal oxides based high efficiency silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells have emerged as promising candidate due to their low manufacturing cost and avoidance of poisonous dopant gases. Temperature dependent J V curves in such solar cells could reveal the physical insight about the carrier collection mechanism. In this work, the temperature dependence of Molybdenum Oxide (MoOx) based SHJ is modelled and compared with the experimental J-V curves (under both dark and 1-sun illumination). This study validates the hole collection mechanism using MoOx and explains the disappearance of the kink in J-V curves at higher temperatures. In addition, we have extracted the temperature coefficient for MoOx-SHJ solar cells and found that they are almost identical to that of standard SHJ cells which supports MoOx-SHJ cells as a promising candidate for future low cost high efficiency solar cells.
Wolfgang Richard Tress, Zaiwei Wang, Brian Irving Carlsen, Firouzeh Ebadi Garjan