In this work we discuss an analytic bootstrap approach [1, 2] in the context of spinning 4D conformal blocks [3, 4]. As an example we study the simplest spinning case, the scalar-fermion correlator. We find that to every pair of primary scalar phi and fermion correspond two infinite towers of fermionic large spin primary operators. We compute their twists and products of OPE coefficients using both s-t and u-t bootstrap equations to the leading and sub-leading orders. We find that the leading order is represented by the scalar-fermion generalized free theory and the sub-leading order is governed by the minimal twist bosonic (light scalars, currents and the energy-momentum tensor) and fermionic (light fermions and the suppersymmetric current) operators present in the spectrum.
Riccardo Rattazzi, Alexander Monin, Eren Clément Firat, Matthew Thomas Walters
Miguel Alexandre Ribeiro Correia
Riccardo Rattazzi, Alexander Monin, Gil Badel