
Ex-ante measure of patent quality reveals intrinsic fitness for citation-network growth


We have constructed a fitness parameter, characterizing the intrinsic attractiveness for patents to be cited, from attributes of the associated inventions known at the time a patent is granted. This exogenously obtained fitness is shown to determine the temporal growth of the citation network in conjunction with mechanisms of preferential attachment and obsolescence-induced aging that operate without reference to characteristics of individual patents. Our study opens a window to understanding quantitatively the interplay of the rich-gets-richer and fit-gets-richer paradigms that have been suggested to govern the growth dynamics of real-world complex networks.

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Concepts associés (25)
Réseau invariant d'échelle
Un réseau invariant d'échelle (ou réseau sans échelle, ou encore scale-free network en anglais) est un réseau dont les degrés suivent une loi de puissance. Plus explicitement, dans un tel réseau, la proportion de nœuds de degré k est proportionnelle à pour grand, où est un paramètre (situé entre 2 et 3 pour la plupart des applications). Beaucoup de réseaux, comme le réseau du web, les réseaux sociaux et les réseaux biologiques semblent se comporter comme des réseaux invariants d'échelle, d'où l'importance de ce modèle.
Patent portfolio
A patent portfolio is a collection of patents owned by a single entity, such as an individual or corporation. The patents may be related or unrelated. Patent applications may also be regarded as included in a patent portfolio. The monetary benefits of a patent portfolio include a market monopoly position for the portfolio holder and revenue from licensing the intellectual property. Non-monetary benefits include strategic advantages like first-mover advantages and defense against rival portfolio holders.
Brevet d'invention
vignette|Modèle de brevet de l'État d'Israël. Un brevet est un titre de propriété industrielle qui confère à son titulaire une exclusivité d'exploitation de l'invention brevetée à compter, en principe, de la date de dépôt et pour une durée maximale de 20 ans. Un droit de brevet n'est pas un droit d'exploitation, c'est-à-dire autorisant l'exploitation de l'invention brevetée.
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Publications associées (33)

Writing and Drawing Inventions: Patents and Technology in France and the United States (18th-19th centuries)

Jérôme Baudry

Description (through texts, images, models or samples) played a central role in the patent regimes that emerged in the eighteenth century, first in England, later in the United States and in France. Description ensured that the contract—protection in excha ...

Economic Effect of Patents and the Patent System: Insights from Linked Patent-Product Data

George Abi Younes

This thesis investigates the economic effect of patents and the patent system through the lens of patent commercialisation. The thesis is composed of four chapters, where each chapter is an independent scientific paper. In the first chapter, we present a n ...

Technology Protectionism and the Patent System: Evidence from China

Gaétan Jean A de Rassenfosse, Emilio Raiteri

Governments have strong incentives to allow their inventors to free ride on foreign technologies. They can achieve this result by discriminating against foreigners in the patent system-by refusing to grant foreigners a patent for their inventions. Internat ...
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