Innovation in the public sector is the only possible response to fine-tune welfare services to new and changing demands and overcome policy impasses (Halmos et al., 2019; Misuraca & Colombo, 2016; Misuraca & Viscusi, 2015). According to a growing evidence, public innovation can be facilitated by organizational partnerships and multi-stakeholder collaboration (Sørensen & Torfing, 2011). Therefore, in order to achieve the innovative results required by wicked problems, public sector collaborations should attempt to build connections and capacities that redefine rather than simply span boundaries (Quick & Feldman, 2011). In response to this need, open innovation (Chesbrough & Bogers, 2014) together with the adoption of co-design methods - such as design thinking (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018) - offer ways of intervention that are networked and distributed, built on relationships instead of transactions between organizations, and with a focus on co-creation (Lönn & Uppström, 2015; Ramaswamy & Ozcan, 2018) and social innovation (Cajaiba- Santana, 2014) as ways for value creation and value capture (Lepak et al., 2007). Using an empirically-grounded approach, this article aims to contribute to the research stream investigating how experience-driven design may fit in the innovation process in an organizational context and what are the measures that public organizations need to adopt in order to enable a co-design methodology and enhance creative capacity. The main issues investigated are guided by the following general research questions on the adoption of co-design approaches for service, organizational and social innovation: − What are the conditions, characteristics, and outcomes of applying co-design and design thinking (DT) in an organizational context? − What are the organizational measures (i.e. leadership style, change management, organizational learning, coordination mechanisms, etc.) that need to be adopted in public bodies - such as public libraries - in order to integrate design thinking practices in daily routines and organizational culture? And how can these practices be effectively developed and sustained over long term?
Theodora Giovanazzi, Constantinos Marcou, Jolanda Devalle
Dario Floreano, Valentin Wüest, Fabio Bergonti