The use of 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has attracted growing attention for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment planning of intraocular ocular cancers. Precise segmentation of such tumors are highly important to characterize tumors, their progression and to define a treatment plan. Along this line, automatic and effective segmentation of tumors and healthy eye anatomy would be of great value. The major challenge to this end however lies in the disease variability encountered over different populations, often imaged under different acquisition conditions and high heterogeneity of tumor characterization in location, size and appearance. In this work, we consider the Retinoblastoma disease, the most common eye cancer in children. To provide automated segmentations of relevant structures, a multi-sequences MRI dataset of 72 subjects is introduced, collected across different clinical sites with different magnetic fields (3T and 1.5T), with healthy and pathological subjects (children and adults). Using this data, we present a framework to segment both healthy and pathological eye structures. In particular, we make use of a 3D U-net CNN whereby using four encoder and decoder layers to produce conditional probabilities of different eye structures. These are further refined using a Conditional Random Field with Gaussian kernels to maximize label agreement between similar voxels in multi-sequence MRIs. We show experimentally that our approach brings state-of-the-art performances for several relevant eye structures and that these results are promising for use in clinical practice.
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