Plexus choroïdesLes plexus choroïdes forment des structures, des parois, des ventricules du cerveau où le liquide cérébrospinal est sécrété. C'est un lacis de vaisseaux sanguins capillaires poreux (on dit qu'ils sont fenestrés), entourés d'épendymocytes (ou cellules épendymaires) qui constituent un tissu similaire à un épithélium. La porosité des capillaires permet au sang d'arriver aux épendymocytes, mais pas au-delà. Les plexus choroïdes fabriquent le liquide cérébrospinal en laissant passer certaines molécules, et en bloquant d'autres.
Cluster samplingIn statistics, cluster sampling is a sampling plan used when mutually homogeneous yet internally heterogeneous groupings are evident in a statistical population. It is often used in marketing research. In this sampling plan, the total population is divided into these groups (known as clusters) and a simple random sample of the groups is selected. The elements in each cluster are then sampled. If all elements in each sampled cluster are sampled, then this is referred to as a "one-stage" cluster sampling plan.
High-dose estrogen therapyHigh-dose estrogen therapy (HDE) is a type of hormone therapy in which high doses of estrogens are given. When given in combination with a high dose of progestogen, it has been referred to as pseudopregnancy. It is called this because the estrogen and progestogen levels achieved are in the range of the very high levels of these hormones that occur during pregnancy. HDE and pseudopregnancy have been used in medicine for a number of hormone-dependent indications, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and endometriosis, among others.
Plasma frais congelévignette|Un sachet de plasma frais congelé Le plasma frais congelé est la dénomination d'un produit sanguin labile utilisé en transfusion sanguine. Ce produit, issu d'un prélèvement par aphérèse chez un donneur de sang bénévole (du moins en France), est conservé congelé à une température inférieure à -25 °C pendant 1 an au maximum à compter de la date de prélèvement. L'indication de sa transfusion, c'est d'apporter au malade l'ensemble des divers facteurs de coagulation dont il est déficitaire.
Estradiol valerateEstradiol valerate (EV), sold for use by mouth under the brand name Progynova and Primiwal E4 and for use by injection under the brand names Delestrogen and Progynon Depot among others, is an estrogen medication. It is used in hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms and low estrogen levels, hormone therapy for transgender people, and in hormonal birth control. It is also used in the treatment of prostate cancer. The medication is taken by mouth or by injection into muscle or fat once every 1 to 4 weeks.