Transformation is a widespread mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. DNA uptake to the periplasmic compartment requires a DNA-uptake pilus and the DNA-binding protein ComEA. In the gram-negative bacteria, DNA is first pulled toward the outer membrane by retraction of the pilus and then taken up by binding to periplasmic ComEA, acting as a Brownian ratchet to prevent backward diffusion. A similar mechanism probably operates in the gram-positive bacteria as well, but these systems have been less well characterized. Transport, defined as movement of a single strand of transforming DNA to the cytosol, requires the channel protein ComEC. Although less is understood about this process, it may be driven by proton symport. In this review we also describe various phenomena that are coordinated with the expression of competence for transformation, such as fratricide, the kin-discriminatory killing of neighboring cells, and competence-mediated growth arrest.
Sandor Kasas, María Inés Villalba, Allan Bonvallat, Eugenia Rossetti
Melanie Blokesch, Anne-Florence Raphaëlle Bitbol, Alexandre Lemopoulos, Richard Marie Servajean, Simon Bernhard Otto