MicrofluidiqueLa microfluidique est la science et la technique des systèmes manipulant des fluides et dont au moins l'une des dimensions caractéristiques est de l'ordre du micromètre. George Whitesides définit la microfluidique comme « la science et la technologie des systèmes qui manipulent de petits volumes de fluides ( à ), en utilisant des canaux de la dimension de quelques dizaines de micromètres ». Selon Patrick Tabeling, Tabeling précise qu'il entend essentiellement par « nouvelles techniques » la microfabrication héritée de la micro-électronique.
AssayAn assay is an investigative (analytic) procedure in laboratory medicine, mining, pharmacology, environmental biology and molecular biology for qualitatively assessing or quantitatively measuring the presence, amount, or functional activity of a target entity. The measured entity is often called the analyte, the measurand, or the target of the assay. The analyte can be a drug, biochemical substance, chemical element or compound, or cell in an organism or organic sample.
Droplet-based microfluidicsDroplet-based microfluidics manipulate discrete volumes of fluids in immiscible phases with low Reynolds number and laminar flow regimes. Interest in droplet-based microfluidics systems has been growing substantially in past decades. Microdroplets offer the feasibility of handling miniature volumes (μl to fl) of fluids conveniently, provide better mixing, encapsulation, sorting, sensing and are suitable for high throughput experiments.
Culture cellulaireLa culture cellulaire est un ensemble de techniques de biologie utilisées pour faire croître des cellules hors de leur organisme (ex-vivo) ou de leur milieu d'origine, dans un but d'expérimentation scientifique ou de fécondation in vitro. Les cellules mises en culture peuvent être: des micro-organismes libres (bactéries ou levures) des cellules « saines » prélevées fraîchement d'un organisme (biopsie...), on parle alors de « culture primaire ».
Biologie de l'évolutionEvolutionary biology is the subfield of biology that studies the evolutionary processes (natural selection, common descent, speciation) that produced the diversity of life on Earth. It is also defined as the study of the history of life forms on Earth. Evolution holds that all species are related and gradually change over generations. In a population, the genetic variations affect the phenotypes (physical characteristics) of an organism. These changes in the phenotypes will be an advantage to some organisms, which will then be passed onto their offspring.
Paper-based microfluidicsPaper-based microfluidics are microfluidic devices that consist of a series of hydrophilic cellulose or nitrocellulose fibers that transport fluid from an inlet through the porous medium to a desired outlet or region of the device, by means of capillary action. This technology builds on the conventional lateral flow test which is capable of detecting many infectious agents and chemical contaminants. The main advantage of this is that it is largely a passively controlled device unlike more complex microfluidic devices.
Histoire de la biologieL'histoire de la biologie retrace les courants de pensée et les études sur le monde du vivant depuis la nuit des temps jusqu'à nos jours. Cependant, le terme biologie à titre de discipline distincte apparait au . Pendant la Renaissance et pendant le siècle des découvertes, renaissait un intérêt dans l'empirisme aussi bien que le nombre grandissant d'organismes connus conduisaient à de signifiants développements dans la pensée biologique.
Primary cell culturePrimary cell culture is the ex vivo culture of cells freshly obtained from a multicellular organism, as opposed to the culture of immortalized cell lines. In general, primary cell cultures are considered more representative of in vivo tissues than cell lines, and this is recognized legally in some countries such as the UK (Human Tissue Act 2004). However, primary cells require adequate substrate and nutrient conditions to thrive and after a certain number of divisions they acquire a senescent phenotype, leading to irreversible cell cycle arrest.
Aristotle's biologyAristotle's biology is the theory of biology, grounded in systematic observation and collection of data, mainly zoological, embodied in Aristotle's books on the science. Many of his observations were made during his stay on the island of Lesbos, including especially his descriptions of the marine biology of the Pyrrha lagoon, now the Gulf of Kalloni. His theory is based on his concept of form, which derives from but is markedly unlike Plato's theory of Forms.
Méthode de Bradfordvignette|Gradient de concentration protéique selon la méthode de Bradford (du moins concentré, à gauche, au plus concentré à droite). La méthode de Bradford est une méthode d'analyse spectroscopique utilisée pour mesurer la concentration des protéines en solution. La méthode de Bradford est un dosage colorimétrique, basé sur le changement d'absorbance (la mesure se fait à ), se manifestant par le changement de la couleur du bleu de Coomassie G-250 après liaison (complexation) avec les acides aminés basiques (arginine, histidine, lysine) et les résidus hydrophobes des acides aminés présents dans la ou les protéines.