Mechanical watches are complex and sensitive systems that have to maintain a faultless precision over their lifetime. However, this precision can be altered by disturbances occurring during the functioning time, such as friction, lubricant drying, or wear, leading to surface modification. Due to the significant number of contacts, and diversity of materials, geometries, motions, and lubricants, these disturbances and their consequences over time are difficult to control. To deeply understand these phenomena and limit their effect on watches precision over time, a tribological study of watch movements is necessary. The goal of this Ph.D. research is to contribute to the development of a scientific methodology to appraise friction and wear evolution over time in watch movements. To achieve this, a system approach combined with a modelling of the phenomena was used to anticipate the evolution of two critical watch components: the barrel and the escapement.
Based on existing theories of lubrication, the performance of the Swiss lever escapement was appraised as a function of well defined geometrical, kinematic, and dynamic parameters. The developed formalism allowed to highlight the relevance of the radii of curvature of the escapement tooth and the anchor pallet on the effectiveness of the fluid lubrication of the Swiss lever escapement.
The tribology of the barrel, a brass piece coated with a nickel sublayer and a flash of gold, was then investigated. Wear characterization of real pieces allowed to identify the relevant wear mechanisms at the barrel drum/spring contact. Friction tests were performed to reproduce the observed phenomena in controlled conditions. A predictive law was proposed to estimate the loss of power at the escapement wheel and showed that the wear of the barrel drum can significantly affect the energy efficiency of the watch.
Model surfaces composed of a nickel substrate of a specific waviness profile coated with different gold thicknesses were used for further investigation on the wear mechanisms of the gold coating. A simple mechanistic model considering contact pressure, geometrical, and frictional properties was developed to predict the minimum gold thickness necessary to lubricate the system. Two different relations were proposed according to the sliding direction. These relations were used to evaluate possible improvement strategies in terms of materials properties and surface finishing.
With the intention to perform further tribological studies of any contacts of a mechanical watch, a methodology was proposed. This methodology stands on three phases: analysis, modelling and application to the watch.
This thesis emphasizes the need of a tribological study to better understand the tribological response of a mechanical watch. By combining reviews of literature, experimental observations, and theoretical laws, analytical models were developed to identify critical parameters, materials and design strategies for improving the tribological response of watch components.
Jean-François Molinari, Guillaume Anciaux, Parissasadat Alavi, Julie Richard, Loris Rocchi
Simon Nessim Henein, Loïc Benoît Tissot-Daguette