The high-pressure, high-temperature behavior of iron was investigated to 140 GPa and 3500 K with in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Iron samples were compressed in diamond-anvil cells and heated up with the double-sided laser-heating system installed at the high-pressure ID27 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Three different structures, namely alpha-bcc, gamma-fcc or epsilon-hcp Fe were identified as a function of pressure and temperature in the domain we explored. At pressures above 90 GPa, it is clearly shown that epsilon-iron is the single stable solid phase up to 160 GPa at high temperatures. The analysis of the P-V-T relationship allows us to propose a reliable experimental thermal equation of state (EoS) for iron. We also show that the addition of low pressure points to our EoS refinement yields more robust constrain on the determination of the reference volume V-0 of the epsilon-hcp structure, which has important implications on the final parametrization of the equation of state. The extrapolation of the proposed EoS to core pressure conditions indicates that a pure iron core would have an excess of density of 3% compared to the PREM density profile.
Christian Leinenbach, Irene Ferretto
Christian Leinenbach, Irene Ferretto
César Pulgarin, Stefanos Giannakis, Giulio Farinelli, Ogadimma Cassandra Oji-Okoro