EuroCirCol is a conceptual design study of a post-LHC, Future Circular Hadron Collider (FCC-hh) with 50 TeV of beam energy and 100 km long, which aims to expand the current energy and luminosity frontiers. The vacuum chamber of the FCC-hh will have to cope with unprecedented levels of synchrotron radiation power for proton colliders, dealing simultaneously with a tighter magnet aperture. Considering that the high radiation power and photon flux will release larger amounts of gas into the system, the difficulty to meet the vacuum specifications increases substantially compared with the LHC. This paper presents a study on the beam induced vacuum effects for the FCC-hh novel conditions, the different phenomena which, owing to the presence of the beam, have an impact on the accelerator's vacuum level. It is concluded that thanks to the adopted mitigation measures the proposed vacuum system shall be adequate, allowing us to reach
Tatiana Pieloni, Milica Rakic, Bruce Roderik, Guillaume Clément Broggi, Giovanni Iadarola, Félix Simon Carlier