A series of three formulations were prepared in view of experimental and theoretical investigation of their drug release potential. The morphology of the film formulations, in terms of distribution of drug into the polymeric matrix and the nature of the drug was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and polarized light microscopy techniques. The in vitro drug release has been studied in a medium mimicking the physiological medium. It was established that the drug release is in close correlation with the mass ratio. Assuming that the dynamics of polymer-drug system's structural units take place on continuous and nondifferentiable curves (multifractal curves), we show that in a one-dimensional hydrodynamic formalism of multifractal variables the drug release mechanism (Fickian diffusion, non-Fickian diffusion, etc) are given through synchronous dynamics at a differentiable and non-differentiable scale resolutions. Finally, the model is confirmed by the empirical data.