To fullfil the Paris agreement, the transition from fossil to renewable energy systems is inevitable. But to plan and reach that transition, the energy system for 2050 first has to be designed. The goal of this semester project is to adapt the system-based and cross-sectoral energy planning tool EnergyScope, developed at EPFL, to the whole European Union, including the United Kingdom and Switzerland. In a first step, all the necessary input parameters will be collected and calculated, and then be summarized in a RMarkdown report for each country. It is also created a tool written in R that prepares the collected data as an input for the EnergyScope model. That way, updates and changes in the input data will be facilitated. In a second step, the monthly EnergyScope model will be regionalized. The new model will be able to search for possible solutions for different scenarios, how to satisfy the end use demand with the available ressources, using which technology. And to optimize them with respect to total costs and total global warming potential.
Christophe Ancey, Ivan Pascal, Bob de Graffenried
Miguel Peon Quiros, Francesco Varrato, Chiara Gabella, Manuel Simon Paul Cubero-Castan