Although heart transplantation is a gold standard for severe heart failure, there is a need for alternative effective therapies. A dielectric‐elastomer aorta is used to augment the physiological role of the aorta in the human circulatory system. To this end, the authors developed a tubular dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) able to assist the heart by easing the deformation of the aorta in the systole and by increasing its recoil force in the diastole. In vitro experiments using a pulsatile flow‐loop, replicating human physiological flow and pressure conditions, show a reduction of 5.5% (47 mJ per cycle) of the heart energy with this device. Here, the controlled stiffness of the DEA graft, which is usually difficult to exploit for actuators, is perfectly matching the assistance principle. At the same time, the physiological aortic pressure is exploited to offer a prestretch to the DEA which otherwise would require an additional bulky pre‐stretching system to reach high performances.
Alfio Quarteroni, Francesco Regazzoni, Luca Dede'
Mats Julius Stensrud, Pal Christie Ryalen, Matias Janvin
Alfio Quarteroni, Luca Dede', Christian Vergara, Stefano Pagani