37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 206-207 We present a firing-through metallisation approach for n-type passivating rear contacts that consist of a tunnelling oxide and an n-doped bilayer of a-SiOx and μc-Si. We find implied Voc up to 738 mV and contact resistivities as low as 20 mΩcm2. Implemented into 6-inch solar cells with a B-diffused emitter on the front, the best cell showed a Voc of 687 mV, FF 79.4 % and an overall efficiency of 22.2 %, proving the compatibility with metallisation by a conventional firing-through process. In view of the higher iVoc of the passivating μc-Si(n) contact, higher cell efficiencies are expected through improvements of the front side.
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