Magnetic thin films and magnetic nanostructures have become essential components of modern technological applications. Modern branches of magnetisms focus on spin-charge coupling (spintronics) and the collective excitation of spin waves in magnetically ordered materials (magnonics). In particular, spin waves represent a promising charge-free medium to encode and transmit information in the GHz frequency regime, relevant for microwaves technologies. The ever-increasing demand for compact and portable electronic and telecommunication devices leads to the need for further miniaturization and high integration density of their functional components. These aspects have prompted nanomagnetism to venture the third dimension. This development is also motivated by novel physical phenomena and functionalities predicted to arise from three-dimensional (3D) complex magnetic configurations. In order to advance the research in 3D spintronics and 3D magnonics, it will be essential to have control over the fabrication of 3D nanoarchitectures and to access the new properties of individual nanostructures emerging from new complex 3D spin-textures. These two challenges are addressed in this thesis. Ferromagnetic nanotubes (NTs) represent the ideal 3D system for the study of shape dependent static and dynamic magnetic properties. Their magnetic configurations, as well as the spin wave confinement and propagation inside them, can be engineered by changing their geometrical parameters. First, in order to fabricate 3D magnetic device architectures, we explored atomic layer deposition (ALD). The thickness and quality of the thin films deposited with ALD are irrespective of the geometry of the surface on which they are deposited. This characteristic makes it ideal to fabricate 3D nanomagnets by magnetically coating 3D nanotemplates, e.g. nanowires (NWs) in the case of NTs. In this thesis we propose ALD processes for the conformal coating by means of two ferromagnetic materials conventionally used in planar spintronics and magnonics systems: Ni and permalloy (Py, Ni80Fe20), the second material expected to have a lower spin wave damping. By identifying correlations between ALD process parameters and thin film properties we optimized the materials in terms of conformality, electrical resistivity, anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) effect, spin wave damping and, in the case of permalloy, also stoichiometry. The optimized materials were then transferred onto GaAs nanowires templates, obtaining ferromagnetic NTs with hexagonal cross sections. We achieved Ni NTs with the lowest resistivity ever reported in similar ALD-grown Ni systems and a large AMR effect. We observed the lowest spin waves damping for permalloy NTs, exhibithing a value comparable with permalloy thin films achieved with conventional planar deposition techniques. Second, we investigated magnetic states and spin waves confinement in nanotubes experimentally and via micromagnetic simulations. We combined magnetoresistance measurements with Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy (BLS) and micromagnetic simulations to study Ni and Py NTs. BLS measurements, performed while irradiating NTs with microwaves, show that these nanotubes form spin-wave nanocavities which impose discrete wave vectors and confine GHz microwave signals on the nanoscale. Our experimental results show that the confinement can be engineered by changing the NT's geometrical parameters and magnetic states.
Dirk Grundler, Mohammad Hamdi, Ferdinand Rémy Hynek Posva