In recent years, one of the most important challenges of the 21st century is to satisfy the ever-increasing world's energy demand. Many efforts are being undertaken to find alternative renewable energy sources, which ideally should outcompete fossil fuel use in all its aspects. In this respect, photo-assisted microbial bioelectrochemical cells (MBECs) in which the reduction of water to hydrogen takes place have been of considerable interest in recent years. Two categories of such systems have been investigated: MBECs with a semiconductor photocathode or photoanode, and hybrid systems, in which an MBEC cell with dark electrodes is coupled to an electrochemical photovoltaic cell. A common denominator of all these systems is the need of microorganisms at the anode, the action of which results in the generation of an electron flow by organic matter oxidation. The aim of this review is to describe the general working principles, with respect to both biochemical and electrochemical aspects, and the performance of various categories of hydrogen-generating photo-assisted MBECs.
Jan Van Herle, Hossein Pourrahmani