Within the frame of the Third Rhône Correction, the river bend in Martigny is considered a top priority measure for flood protection. During the preliminary project, physical and numerical modeling tests were considered necessary. For the latter, the software BASEMENT has been employed, using the Shallow Water Equations and the Meyer-Peter and Müller transport equations. The scenario simulated consists of a 10-year return period flood applied during 19 days and 20 hours to force the formation of a natural bed, which will be used as an initial state for further scenarios. The results show the morphological evolution of the river and confirm the heterogeneity of the flow. Moreover, a cross-comparison with a physical model has been carried out for a better understanding and with the objective to validate the numerical model for its application at other areas of the Third Rhône Correction project.
Giovanni De Cesare, Carmelo Juez Jiménez