Strengthening of flat slab-column connections to resist imposed lateral drifts is often required for older reinforced concrete structures in which the flat slabs were typically designed to resist gravity load only or have been designed for less stringent requirements. The complex stress state around the columns means that strong experimental evidence is required for the repair and strengthening techniques to be adopted with confidence in practice. Although a significant amount of research has been devoted to strengthening of slab-column connections, a series of limitations still remain. A thorough literature review revealed that only relatively thin and isolated specimens have been tested under seismic-type loading and realistic strengthening scenarios. To overcome these limitations, a full-scale two-story flat slab building specimen was tested at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre - ELSA Laboratory in Ispra, Italy. This paper describes and analyzes the results obtained from the last of a series of phases, on repaired and strengthened internal and external slab-column connections using post-installed bolts. Compared with previous tests, the full-scale building specimen has a thicker slab (200 mm), realistic slab continuity conditions and the connections were strengthened after they suffered damage from gravity loading and previous lateral loading phases. The results show that post-installed bolts are efficient even under the described conditions (i.e. damaged and repaired specimens with realistic thickness), and punching shear failure was prevented in the strengthened connections.