The optimization of surface finish to improve performance, such as adhesion, friction, wear, fatigue life, or interfacial transport, occurs largely through trial and error, despite significant advancements in the relevant science. There are three central challenges that account for this disconnect: (1) the challenge of integration of many different types of measurement for the same surface to capture the multi-scale nature of roughness; (2) the technical complexity of implementing spectral analysis methods, and of applying mechanical or numerical models to describe surface performance; (3) a lack of consistency between researchers and industries in how surfaces are measured, quantified, and communicated. Here we present a freely-available internet-based application (available at which attempts to overcome all three challenges. First, the application enables the user to upload many different topography measurements taken from a single surface, including using different techniques, and then integrates all of them together to create a digital surface twin. Second, the application calculates many of the commonly used topography metrics, such as rootmean-square parameters, power spectral density (PSD), and autocorrelation function (ACF), as well as implementing analytical and numerical calculations, such as boundary element modeling (BEM) for elastic and plastic deformation. Third, the application serves as a repository for users to securely store surfaces, and if they choose, to share these with collaborators or even publish them (with a digital object identifier) for all to access. The primary goal of this application is to enable researchers and manufacturers to quickly and easily apply cutting-edge tools for the characterization and properties-modeling of real-world surfaces. An additional goal is to advance the use of open-science principles in surface engineering by providing a FAIR database where researchers can choose to publish surface measurements for all to use.
Brice Tanguy Alphonse Lecampion, Federico Ciardo
Jan Sickmann Hesthaven, Hermes Sampedro Llopis
Simon Nessim Henein, Joëlle Valterio, Ramiro Tau